About Us
All Students Learning

Working alongside our school staff is a very committed parent community. Parent and community volunteers assist in our classrooms daily and collaborate with teachers to present lessons in every classroom. Parents, teachers, and support staff cooperatively serve on many of our school’s decision making committees, i.e., School Site Council, PTA, ELAC (English Language Advisory Committee), our Foundation, and our equity iCARE team.
The Character Pillars
We teach the six character pillars – trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, and citizenship. This is the overarching manner in which business is conducted on our campus as it encapsulates our values and core beliefs such as the following:- The dignity of each person and the importance of every task will be respected.
- Every student will have equal education opportunities.
- Every one is responsible to see that the entire school functions to serve the needs of the students.
- Students will be provided with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to become contributing members of society.
- Individual learning styles and developmental needs will be consistently addressed.
- Our school should be safe and secure.
- Students will be valued for their individual gifts and diversity.
- Everyone deserves to be recognized for his or her efforts as well as his or her accomplishments and achievements.
College Readiness
We believe that every student deserves the opportunity to be educated in a way that prepares them for college if they so choose to attend. We also believe that we, the school, have the power to make this a reality. Every classroom has adopted a college. Students are encouraged to wear their college shirts every Friday. We wear our Morning Creek shirts each Monday to show we are united for learning.
Our Mission—
We exist to provide a caring environment that meets every child’s needs academically, socially and emotionally.